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Board of Finance Minutes 09/18/2012
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.

~Present:~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:  Andrew Russell, Christopher Kerr, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Bob Jose, David Kelsey

Bonnie Reemsnyder, Ex-Officio
                Nicole Stadjuhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III,
   ~~~~~~~~~Alternate Members:~ Anne Coburn,

Guests: No guests


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m.  Mr. Russell stated that a couple of regular members are absent this evening.  A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to have Mr. Jose vote for Mr. Garvin in his absence.  A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley to have Mr. Kelsey vote for Mr. Devoe in his absence.  Motion carried.  

Minutes of Special Meeting of August 21, 2012

The minutes of the Special meeting of August 21st were reviewed.  Mrs. Sturges pointed out several grammar and typographical errors within the minutes of the Special meeting.

There being no other corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve the minutes with corrections noted.   Mr. Kerr abstained.  Motion carried.

Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 21, 2012

The minutes of the Regular August 21st meeting were reviewed.  Mrs. Sturges pointed out several clarifications to the meeting of August 21st.

There being no other corrections noted, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey to approve the minutes with corrections noted.  Mr. Kerr abstained.  Motion carried.

Financial Reports

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the August 2012 Financial Report notes for the Revenues stating that property tax collections were $413,528 and the current levy is 53.2% collected.  Sound View parking lot collected $23,495 which included street parking. Parks and Recreation collected $27,356 relating to summer
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                September 18, 2012

programs.  Half of the Town Aid Road Grant was received in the amount of $57,535.  For Miscellaneous Grants, $49,868 was received from the State for Revenue Sharing.

Mrs. Stajduhar outlined the Expenditures, which included the Treasurer-Contracted Services, which paid $5,000 for progress billing of auditor.  Health Department - legal paid $1,125 in attorney fees relating to Misheloff (11 Grassy Hill Road) and their budget is only $10.  Public Works - Catch Basin cleaning paid out $7,659 to Commercial Pipe (quantity 207), and Public Works - Crack seal paid $110,000 to Comer Contracting for nine roads.  Town Woods Park - non Contracted services budget is over $4,100 paid to Country Lawn & Landscape for organic fertilizer application.  Under Capital - General Government paid half ($9,975) for the phone expansion project.  Capital - General Government paid out $15,397 for suction/harvesting at Rogers Lake.  Capital – Public Works paid $25,473 to Saybrook Ford for the new pick up (plow not yet put on).  Capital – Public Safety paid $12,349 to Shipmans for fire extrication equipment. The Town paid $57,004 out of the Landfill Closure Fund to ET&L (1st pay request on contract to close landfill) and $6043 to Anchor Engineering (engineering services related to landfill closure).

Old Business

Nothing to report.

New Business

Restoration of Spirit of the Doughboy (aka Lady Liberty):  Mrs. Reemsnyder explained that during the Town Hall renovation, Lady Liberty was taken down from the stairway entrance and stored in the basement.  In 2010, the Town contracted J. London Appraisals and Fine Art Conservation, LLC to examine the piece and provide both an appraisal and a recommendation for conservation treatment.  The appraised value of the drawing is $60,000.  The recommendation for the restoration of the drawing, including cleaning, repair of tears in the paper canvas, and re-framing with acrylic rather than glass to protect the drawing from further damage. Estimates include Conservation (cleaning, repair) $4,400 to $7,700, reframing, which includes removal of frame, replace glass, installation of moisture barrier spaces, canvas clips for $9,790.  Total conservation cost estimate is $17,490. The total included in FY2013 budget for restoration of Lady Liberty was $10,000.  Additional funding needed is $7,500.  There is $3000 available in art restoration fund.

The Town does not believe the project is eligible for grant funding from either the National Museum grant program, suggested by the Florence Griswold Museum, or the CT Culture and Tourism grant program.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, for $4,500 to be used in conjunction with the $10,000 and $3,000 that is already set aside for artwork restoration.  Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                        September 18, 2012

Selectman’s Report

Landfill closure is ahead of schedule and may be completed by the beginning/mid of October.

Rogers Lake Dam repair plans are progressing.

Two private roads have requested to be accepted as town roads, Village Estates and Woodcrest Estates.  A meeting with the developer of Woodcrest Estates was held to discuss unfinished work in preparation of acceptance.  The Board of Selectmen stated that before private roads are accepted, the Tree Commission and Public Works should be consulted for review, especially in the areas of drainage and dead or traumatized tree removal, as these areas can be costly.

Discount prescription cards are now offered through CCM  to town residents if the Town chooses to offer them at no expense to the town. The Board of Selectmen reviewed the program and is having the agreement reviewed by legal counsel.  They hope to approve this program at the next BOS meeting.

An FOI session is scheduled for September 27th at 7:30 pm in the Meeting Hall of the Town Hall.  All are invited to attend this informative meeting.

The two settlements that the BOS approved have been completed: Town Hall Expansion contractor, Netsch Construction, and Anderson vs. Town of Old Lyme, are settled, completed, and paid out.

Two beach associations have approved installation of sewers connected to the New London Waste Water Treatment Facility.  There is concern that once this happens, all of the shoreline will follow suit, and sewers will be installed (to NL WWTF).  For this reason, the Health Dept. and WPCA had an analysis of one of the studies done, to determine if the most cost effective solution was used.  Lombardo Associates provided a report that identified an option for a Community Septic System that might provide solutions for the entire shoreline area, be more cost effective, and reuse the wastewater, preventing exportation of our ground water.  After a meeting with the DEEP on Tuesday,  Sept. 21, Mrs. Reemsnyder is pursuing DEEP grants to help with the cost to study this option.  More information will follow as the project progresses.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn